International Grail Movement

The international Grail Movement is an informal, non-denominational association.

With the beginning of the dissemination of the Grail Message there soon came persons who endeavoured to live according to the Creation-Knowledge expounded in the Grail Message. And whenever people come together for the realisation of definite tasks there has to be agreement on regulating their co-operation. This, of course, also holds good for the informal associations that came into being from 1927 and formed the roots of the Grail Movement.

Abd‑ru‑shin did not intend to found either a new church, a sect or a religion, nor to preside over such. His Grail Message is addressed to the individual human being, since he through his own effort must come to the necessary recognition himself.

Thus the Grail Movement is a collective term for conceptual efforts to spread the Knowledge of the Grail Message and to realise it in all areas of life. About these endeavours and emerging associations Abd‑ru‑shin said in 1927:

Although I joyfully hail the associations, I nevertheless cannot lead them, nor can I take part in them, for in the end such endeavours always result in ties for the person around whom they are grouped. […] I must be, and remain, free in what I have to say!

The coming together of the adherents of the Grail Message forms the basis and the outer setting for the holding of hours for the joint worship of God (Hours of Worship) and Grail Festivals. Many readers of the Grail Message consider these short Hours of Worship (usually at Sundays) as a highlight of their weekly life. The joint Hours of Worship take place in the premises of the Grail Movement that only serve for this particular purpose. The heart of the Hour of Worship is the reading of a lecture from the Grail Message followed by a prayer. Music and flower decorations are part of the setting.

Facilitating Hours of Worship on Sundays and Festival days for Sealed adherents and for interested readers of the Grail Message is — besides supporting the dissemination of the Grail Message — a main concern of the international Grail Movement. The conceptual fields of activity together with Hours of Worship and Grail Festivals, as well as the promotion of lecture events, readings, discussion evenings, seminars, events for children and young people, art exhibitions, concerts and more besides, comprise the activity of the Grail Movement. The international Grail Movement organises international events as well.

To support all this, there naturally has to be an organisational structure restricted to what is most necessary and flexible enough to allow for reasonable changes at any time. The framework of the international Grail Movement is formed by local Grail Circles in about forty countries. It is the responsibility of the Grail Circle Leaders, the Leaders of the national Grail Movements and the Leader of the international Grail Movement to promote and co-ordinate the tasks mentioned.

In a Grail Circle people have come together whose life’s basis is the book In the Light of Truth – The Grail Message by Abd‑ru‑shin. Irrespective of faith and denomination the Grail Message is directly addressed to the individual, and offers him paths to the recognition of God, the World and self.

The avowal of the Grail Message is a personal decision involving commitment neither to the Grail Movement nor to a Grail Circle. There are Grail Circles in many cities in numerous countries. They are sustained by volunteers and by donations. Joint Hours of Worship take place on Sundays and special Festival days.

Besides the Hours of Worship, Abd-ru-shin established Grail Festivals. Their settings and frameworks are based on Abd-ru-shins will and are binding for the Grail Movement.

The owners of the Places of Worship and Temples in the Grail Circles are mainly independent non-profit-making associations and foundations in the individual countries. In addition publishing houses are active for the dissemination of Grail literature. These corporate bodies are financed mostly by voluntary donations.

The individual has no communal obligations
but no rights either. No questions are asked about possible membership of religious groups or churches. At present there are over 40,000 Sealed persons who strive to live by the Grail Message. The circle of readers and supporters is far greater. You can obtain further information by contacting the address mentioned below:

Internationale Gralsbewegung
(International Grail Movement)
Marktstraße 19
6130 Schwaz
Telephone: (+43) (0) 5242 71383
Telefax: (+43) (0) 5242 71383-14