- 1920-1926: Booklet Gralsblätter, Grail Message 1926 edition
- 1926-1931: Booklet Der Ruf and Gralsblätter, Grail Message 1931 edition
- 1931-1938: Reverberations of the Grail Message, periodical Die Stimme
- 1938-1941: Revision of the Grail Message, final authorised edition
- Summary
- Annex
Chapter 02
Between 1926 and 1930, further lectures followed in Gralsblätter Series II (Booklets 1+2, Booklets 3, 4+5, Booklets 6+7) and in the magazine Der Ruf (The Call) (Booklet 1+2, Booklet 3+4, Booklet 5, 6,7, Booklet 8+9, Booklet 10, 11, 12, Booklet 13).
Until 1 April 1929, the publishing was by Oskar Ernst Bernhardt himself, as the Gralsblätter Publishing Company, later transformed into Der Ruf Publishing Co. LLC, Munich.
While the three booklets of the Gralsblätter Series II contained only lectures, Questions and Answers, and advice by Abd-ru-shin, the periodical Der Ruf, being a “magazine for all progressive knowledge, mainly contained articles by authors closely associated with Abd-ru-shin.
Lectures of Abd-ru-shin in the periodical Der Ruf
- BOOKLET 1 / 2 – Aug. / Sept. 1927
- Once upon a time …
- BOOKLET 3 / 4 – Oct. / Nov. 1927
- Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do!
- BOOKLET 5 / 6 / 7 – Dec. 1927, Jan. / Feb. 1928
- Christmas! (not identical with the lecture Christmas in volume III of the Grail Message final authorised edition)
- BOOKLET 8 / 9 – March / April 1928
- The Gods – Olympus – Valhalla
- Called
- The Creature that is Man
- BOOKLET 10 / 11 / 12 May / June / July 1928
- Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
- What should a man do to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
- Warfare in Nature
- Sex
- A Final Word
(later title: A Necessary Word)
- BOOKLET 13 – May / June 1929
- In the Realm of Demons and Phantoms
- Various aspects of Clairvoyance
- The Stranger
Between 1927 and 1930, Abd-ru-shin published lectures as well as Questions and Answers in the periodical Der Ruf. In Der Ruf, Booklets 8+9, it was mentioned that Abd-ru-shin had made many contributions to Der Ruf and that therefore the next booklet of the Gralsblätter Series II would not appear until a few months later. What was thus announced as Booklet 6+7 – the last of Series II of the Gralsblätter – was then published only in 1930 and no longer published by the Gralsblätter Publishers, but by the publishing company Der Ruf LLC., Munich.

- BOOKLET 1/2 – 1926/1927
- I am the Lord, thy God!
- The immaculate conception and the birth of the Son of God
- The crucifixion and the Lord’s supper
- The resurrection of Christ’s physical body
- Human opinions and the Will of God in the law of reciprocal action
- Son of Man
- BOOKLET 3/4/5 – 1927
- Errors
- The significance of man’s generative power for his spiritual ascent
- I am the resurrection and the life, no one comes to the Father but by me!
- What separates so many from the Light today?
- The Call for the Leader
- The Great Comet
- Gross matter, ethereal matter, radiations, space and time
- The error about clairvoyance
- Live in the present!
Questions and Answers, amongst others: occult training, meat diet and vegetable diet - Healing by magnetism
- Does old age constitute an obstacle to spiritual ascent?
- BOOKLET 6/7 – 1930
- The Worship of God
- The claim of children on their parents
- Ideal human beings
- Thou seest the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, and considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye!
- The Antichrist
- The Cross of the Holy Grail
In the Grail Message 1931 edition there are to be found 43 lectures out of the 1926 edition and 48 additional lectures, some of which were issued before, and the majority after 1926, in the Gralsblätter and the periodical Der Ruf, or were released in the 1931 edition for the first time.
The lecture Awaken! under the title Live!, the lecture Silence as The Great Secret and the lecture Ascent as Redemption were already published before 1926.
In this Edition, the lectures that were published in the Gralsblätter Series II and the periodical Der Ruf after 1926 (see above), were frequently not incorporated in the order of their first appearance, but rather partly inserted in between other lectures or arranged together in another sequence.
The lectures Watch and Pray!, Departed this Life, Come down from the Cross!, This is my Body! This is my Blood!, And a thousand years are as one day!, Intuitive Perception, The World Teacher as well as And thus it was fulfilled …!, appeared for the first time, in this Edition.
If one takes as a basis the sequence of lectures in the edition of 1926, Watch and Pray! was inserted in between the lectures Morality and Marriage. The lecture Departed this Life followed on after the lecture entitled Death.
Originally the lectures Come down from the Cross! and This is my body! This is my blood! appeared in between the lectures The crucifixion of the Son of God and the Last Supper as well as The resurrection of Christ’s physical body (both out of Gralsblätter Series II, Booklet 1 and 2).
The lectures Occult training, Meat diet or Vegetable diet, Healing by Magnetism and Is Old Age an Obstacle to Spiritual Ascent? date back to Questions and Answers in the Booklets 3, 4, and 5 of the Gralsblätter, Series II.
The lecture The Cross of the Holy Grail, was not incorporated in this edition.
After the Final Word, The Ten Commandments of God (already published in its own booklet in 1929, along with the lecture The Lord’s Prayer) and the lecture Life followed as an annex.
In a departure from the 1926 edition, the large edition contained a whole range of germanised concepts. Instead of the word Clown, the word Spaßmacher was substituted, in place of Resonanz, Widerhall, and so forth (in the original German edition only). These changes were made arbitrarily, in the course of proofreading by the publishers, in accordance with the spirit of the time. Abd-ru-shin had never agreed to these modifications. Later on, Irmingard Bernhardt, in accordance with the original manuscript, re-inserted in the Final Authorised Edition the concepts as they had been used by Abd-ru-shin.